Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My little swimmer!!

Not too much to say today. Caleb and I went to go visit Joe at the station this afternoon, but after the third call we decided to just go home.. LOL So we went to the store and got some stuff for lunch, went home ate and put him to bed. He was so grouchy. The real news came after nap time when we went swimming.

He is forever wanting to impress people with how great he is in the pool.. LOL So a family came with two girls and they were scared of the water. So of course Caleb wants to take off his floaties and show them how he can swim with out them like a big boy. Then he wants to show them how he can go under, then he decides (with out telling me!) that he is going to JUMP IN with out floaties!!! yeah, we had a talk about that, but I let him do it with me standing near by in case he couldn't get back to the side. But man he did sooo good. When he learns how to come up for air, he will be a GREAT swimmer! He is such a show off.. wanting me to throw the football to him so he can try to catch it while jumping in like he has seen the big kids do. LOL He is so cute!

It shouldn't have to be said for the day: Caleb, mommy does not want to hold the ants! Please don't bring me anymore! LOL

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