Monday, June 9, 2008

Poop in the water

Well as if yesterday wasn't crazy enough.. LOL

After church and nap yesterday we went to the bowling alley and Caleb got to bowl for the first time. He scored a 101, 104 and 112! ROFL Of course with bumpers, but wow he got like 3 strikes and 4 spares. That's so good! Even with bumpers! My it shouldn't have to be said comes from this trip... when we looked up and instead of throwing his ball, he was holding it looking into the holes as a spit string was making its way down into them. I looked up just in time to see it slipping down in there and Joe yelled out, "CALEB NO! We do not spit in our bowling balls!!

Then we decided that we were going to come back here and go swimming. Well right in the middle of swimming Caleb decides he needs to poop in the potty. Well our pool is sitting beside some wooded type area, so I said well he can just go squat there so he doesn't have to walk all the way back to the apt, and then back. So he squatted then said, well nevermind, I just need to go pee pee. Ok whatever. A few min later I see him climbing out and just standing there. And suddenly he says OH NO! Mommy.. I just pooped in my swim trunks! gaah! So I get out, dh gets the poop and bags it up.. (yuck) and I get the hose and hose him and his swim trunk off.. poop was everywhere! LOL! Lesson learned: Caleb doesn't want to squat to poop! Now I'm wondering what we are going to do when we go camping! LOL!

So today, we get up and go to the dentist (I had a short apt) so all of us went then went to eat. Caleb was being HORRIBLE!!!

Before we left, he said the 3 words that can crush everything in me.. I hate you. :o( Not even for a good reason really. He was just so bad all morning, I don't know why. I hope its better later. We were going to take him to the spray park or as he calls it the shower park, but after how bad he was we wouldn't let him go. That was the hardest thing EVER!!! To actually just go home when his little heart was broken and he was crying his eyes out! I wanted to take him so bad, but we had to stand our ground. We took him home and told him that if he can earn it, we will take him some other time. We are going back that way this evening, if he is good for the rest of the day, we will probably take him. *sigh* parenting is hard!

It shouldn't have to be said for the day: "We do not spit in the holes of the bowling ball!!"

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